Gallagher's Class Blog
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Civil War Research Project
Next week, we'll start our individual research projects. These will involve two class periods for research, then one/two class periods for creating your final product. You will have a choice of what your final product will be! Look at my post "19 Ideas For Sharing What You Learned." If you need some other ideas, come talk to me. The idea is that I want YOU to have the freedom to show me the content however you'd like (remember the different ways we presented our reading book project 1st semester). I want you to be creative and figure out the best way for you to include the details necessary. We will go over the grading rubric together in the next few days.
Below are the terms from which you will choose. I prefer to not have a lot of people doing the same term, so we'll assign terms together. You should have four or five preferences that you think you want to study, in case one or more are selected before it's your turn.
Below are the terms from which you will choose. I prefer to not have a lot of people doing the same term, so we'll assign terms together. You should have four or five preferences that you think you want to study, in case one or more are selected before it's your turn.
Rifles of the Civil War
Gatling Gun
Monitor and
Field Nurses
Medical Practices
Food of War
Ulysses S. Grant (General)
William Sherman (General)
Robert E. Lee (Southern General)
Stonewall Jackson (Southern General)
Jefferson Davis (Southern President)
George McClellan (General / Presidential Runner Up)
John Wilkes Booth (Assassination of Lincoln)
Anaconda Plan
Election of 1864
Civil War Photography
Civil War Conscription / Draft
African American Soldiers
Life on the Home front
Spies of Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Civil War Amendments
Fife & Drum / Drummer
Battle/Siege of
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
8th Grade Graduation/Celebration Survey
Remember: THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE WILL SEE. Double check spelling and content, it will be right next to a picture of your face during graduation.
Link to Survey
Link to Survey
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Map Paragraph Instructions
Your expository (intended to explain or describe something) paragraphs should be FULLY DEVELOPED. That means they answer all the important questions and probably be 6-8 full sentences long. Imagine that each paragraph will take you about a minute to present (NOT READ) to the class. The options for your paragraphs are below: you can choose any combination you want.
What it is, when it was invented, who invented it, WHY does it matter, why did you place it where you did, HOW the invention shaped American industry/society, etc.
2. You can write a paragraph about natural features, like waterways or mountain ranges. You can include why they were important to the migration of people in the country, how they influenced the development of our nation, difficulties and/or benefits they provided people back then, etc.
3. You can write a paragraph about states/territories. How did a state become a state? If writing about a particular state, include how/why it became a state and why was that important? What was a territory and how was it different from a state? Who was in control of that particular territory and how were rules/laws different?
Individuals MUST write AT LEAST two paragraphs, groups of 2 must write AT LEAST 4 paragraphs. AT LEAST means AT LEAST!
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Map Speech Scoring Guide
Content Standard 8.SL.02
1 2 3 4 5 6
Main ideas stand out
Details support main idea
Student knows information
Appropriate for audience
Organization _ Standard 8.SL.04
1 2 3 4 5 6
Easy to follow
Clear and logical sequence
Effective beginning, middle
Conclusion stated and valid
Transitions flow smoothly
Language Standard 8.SL.04
1 2 3 4 5 6
Expressive, Accurate word choices
Proper grammar is used
Humor, imagery, metaphors, and similes are used when appropriate
Delivery Standard 8.SL.04
1 2 3 4 5 6
Has eye contact with audience
Appropriate speed, volume, energy – not dull listening for audience
Fluency in voice has not fillers
Body language does not distract
Monday, April 30, 2018
1860 Map Project
Use this link to see the instructions and the rubric.
Below is an example of a finished map, except for the illustrations:

Below is an example of a finished map, except for the illustrations:

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
AVID Civil Rights Equity - Equality Presentation
The Venn Diagram Below should guide your research. You are to learn about CURRENT Civil Rights / Equality / Equity issues in America.
Your presentation should include how Equality and Equity are related to each issue and how they both intertwine with Civil Rights issues in America today.
Finally, you need to include your opinion on the matter. If you talk about 2 or 3 current issues in modern America, you need to include an "INFORMED" opinion about what we could do to rectify (make better) those situations.
They might be issues that apply to only one or a few states and you could use other states (that don't have the issues) as examples of what those states could do differently. They might also be issues that apply to our entire country, the way a system or institution works, and you could use other countries as examples of how we could do things better/differently.
This should be a 2-3 minute presentation where you explore 2-3 modern civil rights issues, how they relate to equality AND equity, and finally, what we could do to make these issues better.

Some website that might help you are:
Your presentation should include how Equality and Equity are related to each issue and how they both intertwine with Civil Rights issues in America today.
Finally, you need to include your opinion on the matter. If you talk about 2 or 3 current issues in modern America, you need to include an "INFORMED" opinion about what we could do to rectify (make better) those situations.
They might be issues that apply to only one or a few states and you could use other states (that don't have the issues) as examples of what those states could do differently. They might also be issues that apply to our entire country, the way a system or institution works, and you could use other countries as examples of how we could do things better/differently.
This should be a 2-3 minute presentation where you explore 2-3 modern civil rights issues, how they relate to equality AND equity, and finally, what we could do to make these issues better.

Some website that might help you are:
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Flow Chart Revolution Causes
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Link to the Outsiders Final Project
This is mostly correct. We changed a few things on the instructions in class, so if in doubt, check your hard copy. Be sure to look at the rubric as well.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Final Colonies Project
We read, listened to, watched, and learned a great deal of historical content over the last seven weeks. Your job is to find examples of the following themes from what we've studied. It can be as far back as Columbus and Spain, or as recent as all of the English colonies being finalized and settled.
You are to have one example of each of the following themes:
Cooperation, Conflict, Interdependence, perspective, and migration. After you come up with an example for each of those, you are to choose three more examples (pick any of the 5 themes you want).
Once you have your 8 examples of themes, you are to do one of the following:
Create a comic-strip-like poster with an image explaining your example and 1-2 sentences in the box written properly as a brief explanation of what is happening.
Write 8 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be a detailed explanation of your example and why it applies to your theme (4-5 sentences long).
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Crash Course Video Notes Link
Use this link to create yourself a copy of the document. Name it "Crash Course Notes"
Typing Website for AVID
Use this link to sign up for an account on typing.com
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Rubric for Colonial Narrative
Written Paper Language Arts Rubric 50 pts
| |
Sentence Fluency
Writing is very difficult to follow; incomplete sentences, rambling, or awkward
The writing tends to be either choppy or rambling. Awkward constructions often force the reader to slow down or reread.
The writing tends to be mechanical rather than fluid. Occasional awkward constructions may force the reader to slow down or reread.
The writing flows; however, connections between phrases or sentences may be less than fluid. Sentence patterns are somewhat varied, contributing to ease in oral reading.
The writing has an effective flow and rhythm. Sentences show high degree of craftsmanship. Consistently strong and varied structure that makes expressive oral reading easy and enjoyable.
Demonstrates a lack of
command of
conventions: errors are
frequent and severe and
meaning is obscured
Demonstrates a partial
command of
conventions: frequent
errors in usage may
obscure meaning,
inconsistent use of
capitalization, etc
Demonstrates adequate
command of
conventions: some
errors in usage and
sentence formation
present nothing
systematic, adequate
use of punctuation, etc
Demonstrates solid
command of
conventions: minimal
errors in sentence
capitalization, spelling
Demonstrates exemplary
command of
conventions: few, if any
errors in sentence
formation, effective and
consistent use of
capitalization, spelling
Written Paper Social Studies Rubric 50 pts
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Completeness of Content
Most topics were not addressed.
Role is minimally addressed, and most questions answered with 1 sentence about each.
Role is addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.
Role is fully addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.
Significant depth and devoid of errors.
Quality of Content
Most information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Minimal information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.
Most Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.
All information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Significant depth and devoid of errors.
Final Colonial Narrative Assignment
Colonial Narrative Essay
You will research and develop an understanding of the role you have been assigned. Based off of what is discovered, you will construct a historical narrative with at least three fact based supporting details.
1) You will be assigned a role of a type of person in colonial society. a) Research and find answers to these questions for your narrative:
- i) What was daily life was like for your role?
- ii) What specific jobs/responsibilities did they have?
iii) Where did they fit into their community’s social structure?
2) Create a rough outline with your research and ideas BEFORE you start writing. a) Make sure you include at least three supporting facts with sources
- 3) Using what you’ve learned in class and in research you will write a first or third person narrative essay.
- a) You need to use factual dates from at least three reliable sources.
- b) You need to cite ALL sources in a bibliography.
- 4) You will be assessed on integrating your knowledge into a work of historical fiction and on conventions.
a) Remember to refer to the rubric as you are outlining, writing, and editing your narrative
Size 12 normal font
One to two pages 1.5 spaced
Approved internet sources are:
- .edu, .org., .gov, or britanica.com OR
- mvstudentblog.wordpress under the RESEARCH/Colonial tab
A Bibliography is a list of the sources you use in your writing and is REQUIRED at the bottom of your paper.
• *Snap&Read or EasyBib.com will help you create your MLA bibliographies
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