Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Long Term Book Report/Review

Because I'm providing class time to read personal novels, there are some expectations that go along with the reading.  Please see below for a list of the expectations.  This is a project that you are to work on throughout the semester when you find yourself with time.  I will be providing specific check-in dates as the semester progresses.

Semester Book Review Project

This project will be completed mostly OUTSIDE of the classroom. You will be given time to read in class, but the bulk of this assignment is to be completed on your own. Let me know if you need help or support and I will be happy to offer guidance or assistance.

Projects are due Friday, January 19th by the end of the day.

Student must include:
1.     Introduction of the story
2.     Summary of the story
3.     Book Details: Character analysis (At least three characters)
4.     Book Details: Plot, Conflict, Theme, Genre
5.     Reading elements support and identification
6.     Evaluation and rating
There will be a final presentation of your finished products.

How this information is delivered is up to YOU!! Here are some ideas:
·      A classic book report, all in writing and utilizing graphic organizers provided
·      A book trailer/video
·      A visual book sandwich
·      A scrapbook
·      A windmill/mobile
·      A poster board
·      A board game board
·      A new book jacket
·      A comic of the story
·      Write an interview between yourself and the protagonist
·      A detailed and illustrated timeline of the story
·      A children’s picture book version of your story
·      A slide/digital presentation
·      Or, come up with an idea all your own!

Not sure what to include? Here is a section from with some suggestions.

Introductory Paragraph
Most book reports begin with the basic information about the book: the book’s title, author, genre, and publication information (publisher, number of pages, and year published). The opening paragraph is also your opportunity to build interest by mentioning any unusual facts or circumstances about the writing of the book or noteworthy credentials of the author. Was the book a bestseller? Is the author a well-known authority on the subject? Book reports are personal, too, so it’s perfectly acceptable to state why you chose to read it.

What’s the Book About?
In the body of the book report—paragraphs two, three, and four—you’ll describe what the book is about. This is your chance to show you’ve read and understood the book. Assuming you’ve read a fiction book, below are helpful writing tips:

Summary: Start this paragraph by writing an overview of the story, including its setting, time period, main characters, and plot. Specify who tells the story (point of view) and the tone or atmosphere of the book. Is it a creepy tale of suspense or a lighthearted adventure?

Character Details: 
In this paragraph, describe the main characters and identify the major conflict or problem the main characters are trying to solve. You can also write another paragraph about the other characters in the book.
*You should include introductions and analysis of at least three characters in your book.

Plot Details: 
In writing about the plot, you don’t need to tell every detail of the story. Instead, focus on the main sequence of events. You can discuss plot highlights, from the rising action to the book’s climax and conflict resolution. Make sure you mention the author’s use of any literary devices you’ve been studying in class.

Book Reports on Non-fiction
If you are writing a book report on a biography or other factual text, you’ll want to devote the body of your book report to a description of the book’s subject and the author’s points of view. Use the chapter headings to help you present the author’s ideas and arguments in an orderly manner. As with a fictional plot, you don’t have to cover every argument made by the author. Instead, choose the main ideas and the ones most interesting to you. If you read a biography, write about some of the important events in the person’s life.

Personal Evaluation and Conclusion
You’ll like writing the final paragraph because it is here that you’ll be able to offer your own critique of the book. What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? Did the book hold your interest? What did you learn from the book? If you read a work of fiction, how did the book affect you? If you read non-fiction, were you swayed by the author’s arguments? Try to be balanced in your opinions, and support your statements with examples from the book. Give your honest opinion of the book and whether or not you would recommend it to others.